

AGV Provides access to data and methods related to AGVs.
Animation A class that represents an object animation.
Array A dynamic array of Variants.
AStar Provides access to data related to the A* module.
AStar.Allocation Provides access to data and methods associated with an A* grid cell allocation.
AStar.Cell Provides access to data and methods associated with an A* grid cell.
AStar.Direction An enumeration of integer values associated with four A* travel directions.
AStar.Navigator Provides access to data and methods related to a model's A* navigator.
AStar.Traveler Provides access to data and methods related to an A* traveler.
Color A class containing rgba values for an object's color.
Conveyor A class that provides properties and methods for monitoring and controlling a conveyor.
Conveyor.DecisionPoint A class that provides properties for monitoring a conveyor decision point, photo eye, or station.
Conveyor.Item A class that provides properties and methods for monitoring and controlling an item on a conveyor.
Conveyor.MergeController Allows access to the lanes of a MergeController object
Conveyor.SlugBuilder Accesses data dealing with a conveyor's slug building state
Database.Connection A class for connecting to and querying a database.
Database.DataType A class that enumerates various database storage types.
Database.PreparedStatement A class for execution and manipulation of a database SQL statement.
Database.ResultSet A class for retrieving the result of a database SQL query.
DateTime A class containing functions for getting and manipulating dates and times.
Dispatcher A class that represents an Object with a task sequence queue, and implements logic to receive and dispatch TaskSequences.
double A number type that represents a wide, dynamic range of values by using a floating point.
ElevatorBank A class that represents a bank of elevators.
ElevatorBank.Elevator A class that represents an elevator member of an ElevatorBank.
ElevatorBank.Request A class that represents a request for an ElevatorBank.Elevator.
Emulation A class that provides properties for reading from the Emulation object.
Emulation.Connection A class that provides properties for reading from a Emulation Connection.
Emulation.Variable A class that allows you to read and write from a Emulation variable.
Group A class for grouping objects.
int A number type that holds a finite range of integers. Min Value = -2147483647 Max Value = 2147483647
lambda Allows an expression to be passed in as a parameter without immediatly being evaulated.
List A class that represents a list.
List.BackOrder A class that represents a list back order.
List.Entry A class that represents a list entry.
List.PullResult A class that represents the result of a call to List.pull().
Math A class containing common math functions.
Model A class containing data and functions for the model.
Object A class that represents objects in the model.
RegExp Allows regular expressions to be used as function parameters.
RegExResult A class that handles the results of a RegEx match
StatisticsCollector A class that represents a Statistics Collector
StatisticsCollector.CollectedData Provides access to data that may be used in Statistics Collector callbacks.
Storage The storage namespace.
Storage.Bay A class that represents a storage bay.
Storage.Item A class that includes properties and functionality associated with the storage and assignment of a flow item to Storage.Slots.
Storage.Item.State A class that enumerates the storage item states.
Storage.Level A class that represents a storage level within a bay.
Storage.Object A storage object, with functionality and data for storing items in a 2-dimensional grid of bays, levels, and slots
Storage.Slot A slot that is part of a storage object's grid of storable slots.
Storage.Slot.Item A class that represents a storage slot item.
Storage.System A class that represents a storage system.
string A class that represents a sequence of characters.
Table A class that represents a table structure.
Table.IndexType Enumerates types of indices on the table.
TaskExecuter A class that represents a Dispatcher that can also execute TaskSequences.
TaskSequence A class representing a sequence of tasks to be performed by a TaskExecuter.
TaskSequence.Task A class representing an individual task in a TaskSequence.
Token A class that represents a Process Flow token.
TrackedVariable A class that represents a tracked variable.
treenode A class that represents a reference to a node in FlexSim's tree.
Variant A type that can hold either a number, a string, a treenode or an Array.
Vec2 Represents positions, rotations, size, 2D vectors, and points. Contains functions for doing common vector operations.
Vec3 Represents positions, rotations, size, 3D vectors, and points. Contains functions for doing common vector operations.