AGV | Provides access to data and methods related to AGVs. |
Animation | A class that represents an object animation. |
Array | A dynamic array of Variants. |
AStar | Provides access to data related to the A* module. |
AStar.Allocation | Provides access to data and methods associated with an A* grid cell allocation. |
AStar.Cell | Provides access to data and methods associated with an A* grid cell. |
AStar.Direction | An enumeration of integer values associated with four A* travel directions. |
AStar.Navigator | Provides access to data and methods related to a model's A* navigator. |
AStar.Traveler | Provides access to data and methods related to an A* traveler. |
Color | A class containing rgba values for an object's color. |
Conveyor | A class that provides properties and methods for monitoring and controlling a conveyor. |
Conveyor.DecisionPoint | A class that provides properties for monitoring a conveyor decision point, photo eye, or station. |
Conveyor.Item | A class that provides properties and methods for monitoring and controlling an item on a conveyor. |
Conveyor.MergeController | Allows access to the lanes of a MergeController object |
Conveyor.SlugBuilder | Accesses data dealing with a conveyor's slug building state |
Database.Connection | A class for connecting to and querying a database. |
Database.DataType | A class that enumerates various database storage types. |
Database.PreparedStatement | A class for execution and manipulation of a database SQL statement. |
Database.ResultSet | A class for retrieving the result of a database SQL query. |
DateTime | A class containing functions for getting and manipulating dates and times. |
Dispatcher | A class that represents an Object with a task sequence queue, and implements logic to receive and dispatch TaskSequences. |
double | A number type that represents a wide, dynamic range of values by using a floating point. |
Emulation | A class that provides properties for reading from the Emulation object. |
Emulation.Connection | A class that provides properties for reading from a Emulation Connection. |
Emulation.Variable | A class that allows you to read and write from a Emulation variable. |
Group | A class for grouping objects. |
int | A number type that holds a finite range of integers. Min Value = -2147483647 Max Value = 2147483647 |
List | A class that represents a list. |
List.BackOrder | A class that represents a list back order. |
List.Entry | A class that represents a list entry. |
List.PullResult | A class that represents the result of a call to List.pull(). |
Math | A class containing common math functions. |
Model | A class containing data and functions for the model. |
Object | A class that represents objects in the model. |
RegExResult | A class that handles the results of a RegEx match |
StatisticsCollector | A class that represents a Statistics Collector |
StatisticsCollector.CollectedData | Provides access to data that may be used in Statistics Collector callbacks. |
string | A class that represents a sequence of characters. |
Table | A class that represents a table structure. |
TaskExecuter | A class that represents a Dispatcher that can also execute TaskSequences. |
TaskSequence | A class representing a sequence of tasks to be performed by a TaskExecuter. |
TaskSequence.Task | A class representing an individual task in a TaskSequence. |
Token | A class that represents a Process Flow token. |
TrackedVariable | A class that represents a tracked variable. |
treenode | A class that represents a reference to a node in FlexSim's tree. |
Variant | A type that can hold either a number, a string, a treenode or an Array. |
Vec3 | Represents positions, rotations, size, 3D vectors, and points. Contains functions for doing common vector operations. |