Person Wait for Transport History


The Person Wait for Transport History table records information about each request for any Transport Resource. This information includes the time the request was made, as well as the time the request was fulfilled.

For more general information on People Statistics Tables, see the People Statistics Tables topic.


This table adds a row any time a flowitem (created by the Create Person activity) attempts to acquire something from a Transport Resource.


  • PID - This column records the id of the flowitem that is requesting a resource.
  • Flow - This column records the name of the Process Flow containing the Acquire Transport activity.
  • Activity - This column records the name of activity used to make the request.
  • Priority - This column records the priority of the request.
  • RequestTime - This column records the time the request is made.
  • AcquireTime - This column records the time the request is either fulfilled or cancelled.
  • Transport - This column records the ID of the Transport that is acquired as a result of the request. If the request was cancelled, this column will contain a null value.

Value Changes

The AcquireTime and Transport columns are set once the request is either fulfilled or cancelled. All other columns are set when the request is created.

Warmup Behavior

At the warmup time, this table will remove the rows corresponding to complete requests. The data in the remaining rows will remain unchanged.