Inherits from Variant
A class that represents the result of a call to List.pull().
The List.PullResult can be treated just like a Variant. The Variant holds the value or values that were pulled from the list.
There are several options for writing code to get the result from a list pull.
//define full List.PullResult type
List.PullResult pulled = List("ItemList").pull("WHERE Type == 10", 1, 1);
// just infer the type with var
var pulled = List("ItemList").pull("WHERE Type == 10", 1, 1);
// don't need full List.PullResult properties, so just get it as a Variant
Variant pulled = List("ItemList").pull("WHERE Type == 10", 1, 1);
backOrder | The resulting back order, if one exists. |
Do no remove, this fixes the anchor on
readonly List.BackOrder backOrder
The resulting back order, if one exists.
When the pull is not completely fulfilled, a back order associated with the pull is created. This property gives access to that back order if one exists.
List.PullResult result = List("ItemList").pull("WHERE Type == 10", 1, 1);
if (result.backOrder) {
... // the pull wasn't completely fulfilled, so there is a back order.