
Overview and Key Concepts

Down Behaviors represent a specific kind of down event. They can be called by Time Tables and MtbfMttrs.

For example, you might want to add a down event representing what an operator should do when they take their lunch. You would add a new Down Behavior and configure its functions and labels so that the operators go to lunch. Then in the Time Tables the operators are members of, you would tell the lunch down event to use the new Down Behavior's functions instead of the Time Table's.

Down Behavior objects are accessed from the Toolbox.

General Properties

The Down Behavior tool has the following general properties:

Icon Description
Adds the Down Behavior to a User Library as either a Draggable Icon or an Auto-Install Component.


The name of the Down Behavior.

The Functions Tab

The Functions tab has the following properties:

Down Function

This picklist is executed when the objects in the member list go down. It is executed once for each object in the member list. This is where you specify what to do to stop the object.

Resume Function

This picklist is executed when the objects in the member list resume their operation. It is executed once for each object in the member list. This is where you specify what to do to resume the object.

On Down

This picklist is fired immediately after the Down Function has been fired for all objects, but it is only executed once, instead of once for each object in the member list.

On Resume

This picklist is fired immediately after the Resume Function has been fired for all objects, but it is only executed once, instead of once for each object in the member list.

The Labels Tab

The The Labels Tab is where you add labels to the Down Behavior. This allows you to further customize the behavior of the down event.


Down Function

This event is fired once for each member of a Time Table or MTBF when it breaks down.

It has the following parameters:

Event Parameter Type Explanation
Time Table Object The Time Table or MTBF/MTTR that triggered the down event
Down Object Object The object going down
State int The state the object will go into
Duration double The duration of the down time
State Profile int The state profile on the object that will be updated
Table Row int The row corresponding to this down time in the table (Time Table only)
Member Coupling treenode The member node of the MTBF that is coupled with the down object (MTBF only)

Resume Function

This event is fired once for each member of a Time Table or MTBF when it is repaired.

It has the following parameters:

Event Parameter Type Explanation
Time Table Object The Time Table or MTBF/MTTR that triggered the down event
Down Object Object The object that was down and is now resuming
State int The state the object was in
State Profile int The state profile on the object that will be updated
Table Row int The row corresponding to this down time in the table (Time Table only)

On Down

This event is fired after the Down Function has fired.

It has the following parameters:

Event Parameter Type Explanation
Time Table Object The Time Table or MTBF/MTTR that triggered the down event
Table Row int The row corresponding to this down time in the table (Time Table only)
Involved Object The object going down

On Resume

This event is fired after the Resume Function has fired.

It has the following parameters:

Event Parameter Type Explanation
Time Table Object The Time Table or MTBF/MTTR that triggered the down event
Table Row int The row corresponding to this down time in the table (Time Table only)
Involved Object The object being resumed