Photo Eye

Overview and Key Concepts

A photo eye is a versatile object you can use to build logic into your conveyor system. Photo eyes can also be linked to a merge controller to notify it when a released slug has cleared designated points in the system.


For information on events, see the Event Listening page.

The photo eye has the following events:

On Cover

On Cover fires when an item covers the photo eye.

It has the following parameters:

Event Parameter Type Explanation
Covering Item Object The item covering the photo eye
Conveyor Conveyor The conveyor the photo eye is on

On Block

On Block fires after an item covers the photo eye and the Block Time elapses before the photo eye is uncovered.

It has the following parameters:

Event Parameter Type Explanation
Blocking Item Object The item blocking the photo eye
Conveyor Conveyor The conveyor the photo eye is on

On Uncover

On Uncover fires when an item moves out of the photo eye leaving it uncovered.

It has the following parameters:

Event Parameter Type Explanation
Uncovering Item Object The item uncovering the photo eye
Conveyor Conveyor The conveyor the photo eye is on

On Clear

On Clear fires after an item moves out of the photo eye and the Clear Time elapses before the photo eye is covered again.

It has the following parameters:

Event Parameter Type Explanation
Clearing Item Object The item covering the photo eye
Conveyor Conveyor The conveyor the photo eye is on


The photo eye implements state using two different state profiles, namely the default state profile, and a custom "PhotoEye" state profile. The custom profile uses the following states:


The photo eye is completely clear.


The photo eye was covered from a clear state, but its block time has not yet expired.


The photo eye is covered and its block time has expired.


The photo eye was uncovered from a blocked state, but its clear time has not yet expired.

The default state profile uses the following states. The current state can be viewed by clicking on the object and then viewing the Statistics pane in Quick Properties.


The idle state corresponds to the clear plus blocking states in the photo eye's custom state profile.


The blocked state corresponds to the blocked plus clearing states in the photo eye's custom state profile.


The photo eye tracks the following statistics. These can be viewed by clicking on the object and then viewing the Statistics pane in Quick Properties.


The number of items that have covered the photo eye but have not yet cleared it. This is usually either 0 or 1, but if the photo eye has an offset angle, it may be greater than 1.


The total number of items that have covered the photo eye.


The total number of items that have cleared the photo eye.


Photo eye properties can be edited in Quick Properties, the Photo Eye property window, or through the types created using the Conveyor System tool. The following sections explain the available properties in each tool.

Quick Properties

The following image shows the photo eye properties that are available in Quick Properties:

It has the following properties:


You can type a custom name here if needed.


Changes the photo eye's height relative to the conveyor it is on.

Photo Eye Type

Use this menu to assign this decision point to a global type. If you select Custom, all the photo eye's properties will be locally defined.

Position X, Y, Z

Changes the position of the entry transfer in the 3D model.

Distance Along the Conveyor

Changes the position of the photo eye relative to its conveyor.

Property Window and Types

The photo eye properties window has three tabs with various properties. The last two tabs are the standard tabs that are common to all conveyor objects. For more information about the properties on those tabs, see:

Only the Decision Point Type tab is unique to the photo eye.

These properties are explained in the Photo Eye Types topic.