
Overview and Key Concepts

The MultiLocation object is a specialized Location object which contains other Location objects. This allows the object to represent a waiting room, a dining table, a park bench, or any other high capacity object. Usually, only the individual locations inside the multilocation will be acquired and released. However, if the Acquire As Single Unit option is used, only the multilocation itself will be acquired and released.


The MultiLocation uses same events as a location object. See Location Events for an explanation of these events.


The MultiLocation uses same states as a location object. See Location States for an explanation of these states.


The MultiLocation uses same statistics as a location object. See Location Statistics for an explanation of these statistics.

In addition the MultiLocation totals some of the statistics of the MultiLocation and SubLocations.

Throughput Total

Input Total and Output total are the total Input and Output of the MultiLocation and SubLocations.

Content Total

Content Total is the total Content of the MultiLocation and SubLocations.


The MultiLocation object uses the following properties panels: