Network Node

Overview and Key Concepts

Network nodes are used to define a network of paths that transporters and operators follow. The paths can be modified using spline points to add curvature to the path. By default, objects travelling on a network will follow the shortest path between their origin and destination.


For information on events, see the Event Listening page.

The network node has the following events:

On Arrival

On Arrival fires when a traveler arrives at the node.

It has the following parameters:

Event Parameter Type Explanation
Traveler Object The object traversing the network
To Edge int The rank of the edge the traveler will continue on
From Edge int The rank of the edge the traveler arrived on

On Continue

On Continue fires right before a traveler leaves the node.

It has the following parameters:

Event Parameter Type Explanation
Traveler Object The object traversing the network
To Edge int The rank of the edge the traveler will continue on
From Edge int The rank of the edge the traveler arrived on


The network node does not implement any states.


The network node does not track any statistics.


The Network Node object uses the following properties panels: