RailWorks Release Notes and History

The following is a list of features and fixes that have been included in the latest RailWorks releases.

RailWorks 24.1.0 (21 June 2024)


  • All bug fixes in RailWorks 24.0.2 below.
  • Features

  • Feature: Improve your railway model analysis with the headway feature. Configure checkpoints using Rail Control Points, collect data using headway tag on trains, generate log, output tables and graph.

RailWorks 24.0.2 (21 June 2024)


  • All bug fixes in RailWorks 24.0.1 below.
  • Travel: Started rails as destination now shows message of error.
  • Improvement on the automatic braking and reservation of rails.
  • Custom dashboards fixed and available again.
  • Features

  • Feature: Locomotive can be created by dragging as object directly from library.
  • Feature: Now Rail Control Point can have its position adjusted by using the field Control Point Position on the object panel.

RailWorks 24.0.1 (02 April 2024)


  • All bug fixes in RailWorks 23.2.3 below.
  • Features

  • New object: Introducing signalized rails - tracks equipped with signs at their ends for improved traffic control and safety at critical network points. Learn more about signaled rails and practice using them on the 3D objects page.
  • Feature: Take control of your rail network with the new rail signaling control feature. Configure aspect signals, customize their colors, set speed correspondences, and define safety or sighting distances for a more realistic train operation experience.
  • Feature: New picklist options to set destination in MoveTrain and MoveWagon activities.

RailWorks 23.2.3 (18 March 2024)


  • All bug fixes in RailWorks 23.0.6 below.
  • MoveWagon Label Control Improvements: Enhanced the user interface for the MoveWagon label control.
  • OnPass Speed Alteration Fix: Compositions with wagons attached change speeds correctly and consistently.
  • AssingTo labels on MoveWagon Fix: The creation of a new label works with individual wagons on MoveWagon.

RailWorks 23.2.2 (10 November 2023)

  • All bug fixes in RailWorks 23.0.5 below.
  • Feature: Available "Create Label" button on "Create train" activity.
  • Feature: Train speeds displayed on a table for specific train situations such as loaded, empty, coupled and uncoupled.
  • Feature: Stations can be set as destination on "Move Train" activities.
  • Feature: Relative to trailer travel, the user can specify which member of a composition will be the stop referencial, default is the locomotive but can be altered to any wagon.
  • Feature: Available "Fuel usage" option on "Create Train" activity instead on RailSystem object so the user can specify which trains will have a fuel control or not.
  • Feature: Added speed control picklists on ControlPoint "OnPass" trigger.
  • Feature: Locomotives can now attach to other locomotives to increase reality on compositions.
  • Feature: Added "Move Wagon" activity so now the user can move wagons independently, without needing a coupled locomotive.
  • Feature: Deadlocks collisions are now detected and a warning message pops up stopping the simulation.
  • BugFix: Fixed a bug that prevents wagons to be created in multiple rails.
  • BugFix: Fixed a bug on wagon creation in rails with virtual distance.

RailWorks 23.2.1 (13 September 2023)

RailWorks 23.1.1 (13 September 2023)

RailWorks 23.0.6 (18 March 2024)


  • Consistent Parked Wagons Positioning: Wagons now position themselves alongside other wagons more consistently.
  • Rail Reservation Logic Optimized: Improved logic for rail reservation to ensure smooth operation.
  • Refined Rail Control Point Triggers: More precise behavior for RailControlPoint's onPass, onContinue, and onArrival triggers.
  • Smoother Undo Functionality: Improved responsiveness and reliability of the undo function (Ctrl+Z).
  • Automatic Brakes Optimized: Automatic brakes now stop on the correct rail for better train control.
  • Wagon Creation Streamlined: Wagon creation now adapts its position automatically when placed on multiple rails.
  • Copy & Paste Errors Resolved:Fixed exceptions that occurred during copy and paste operations.
  • Train Creation Collisions Addressed: Inconsistent collisions during train creation have been eliminated.
  • Enhanced Locomotive Interaction: Improved interaction between compartments and leading locomotives for more realistic behavior.
  • Departure Rail Control Point Fix: Fixed an issue where moving a wagon wouldn't release the departure Rail Control Point.
  • Automatic Braking Refined: Improved automatic braking for scenarios with low acceleration and high speeds.
  • Multiple Rail Braking Enhanced: Resolved issues with braking zones spanning multiple rails.
  • Limited Station Parking: Locomotives destined to a Station no longer allowed to enter while occupied.
  • Better Composition Positioning on Curved Rails: Movement on CurvedRails is now smoother.
  • Added Locomotive and Wagon icons to FlowItemBin.
  • Modelling fixes: Preventive fixes to improve modelling experience.
  • Performance Enhancements

  • Faster Rail Connections: Optimized rail automatic connection for improved performance.
  • MoveWagon Streamlined: Object selection offers more consistent behavior when detaching wagons from larger compositions.
  • Streamlined ConnectPoint Creation: Made changes to ConnectPoint creation for better performance.
  • Optimized Pathfinding: Enhanced path discovery algorithms to improve overall performance.
  • Status Window Consolidation: Review and behavior correction of status bubble on flowitems and task executers.

RailWorks 23.0.5 (10 November 2023)

  • Feature: System can detect if Python v3.9 is installed on user computer and pops up a message if can not detect, warning the user that some features might be limited.
  • Feature: System can detect if the user is trying to move a train to a destination of a diferent network and pops up an error message.
  • Feature: System can detect if the user is trying to couple an unreachable wagon and pops up an error message.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug when using ControlPoints in Rails with virtual distance.

RailWorks 23.0.4 (13 September 2023)

  • Refactoring: Train movement refactored in order to achieve more precise speed variations.
  • Refactoring: Enhanced stability of complex rail network creation, for example when creating bifurcations.
  • Refactoring: Enhanced internal travel control
  • Feature: The Decouple activity now has a new field called Quantity of Wagons. This allows you to specify the number of wagons you want to decouple. If you set the value to 0, all of the wagons will be decoupled.
  • Feature: Initial Rail is longer, starting at 40 meters.
  • Feature: Rail system no longer presents the following limitations: locomotive limit and maximum angle snap for Rails.
  • Feature: Timetable with renamed events and new event markups.
  • Feature: In Move Train, offset accepts reference to wagons and always checks the maximum size of the rail, if the value entered is greater than the rail the train will stop at the end of the final rail.
  • Bug Fix: Precreated locomotive can use the Move Train.
  • Bug Fix: Movement fine adjustments
  • Bug Fix: CoupleWagon errors have been corrected.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed function "Insert at front of" on CreateWagon activity.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed some activities not being listed on RailWorks TimeTable.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed activity PreCreated not creating first Locomotive, and positioning.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug interfering on license while using Experimenter.

RailWorks 23.0.3 (05 May 2023)

RailWorks 23.0.2 (17 April 2023)

  • Restructuring:
  • Feature: On Create trigger for source train.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed the virtual distance functionalities.

RailWorks 23.0.1 (24 January 2023)

  • Release for FlexSim 2023.0

RailWorks 22.2.3 (24 January 2023)

  • Bug Fix: Fixed various bugs affecting the locomotive movement.
  • Feature: Added automatic train detection and anticipation of movement.
  • Feature: Added a wait logic on locomotive to continue with movement when rail is not on use.
  • Feature: Added GIS Portal object for integration with GIS Map.
  • Release for FlexSim 2022 Update 2
  • All bug fixes in RailWorks 21.2.4 below.

RailWorks 22.2.2 (12 December 2022)

RailWorks 22.2.1 (25 November 2022)

  • Release for FlexSim 2022 Update 2
  • Bug Fix: Fixed various bugs affecting the definition of traveling routes
  • Bug Fix: Fixed various bugs affecting the locomotive and wagon movement amongst the rail tracks
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug affecting the usage of multiple locomotives at same railway
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug affecting the offset distance in Control Points
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug affecting the Decouple activity and Couple by another Locomotive
  • Retroative Release: New versions released with bugs fixed from 2021.2 to 2022.2
  • All bug fixes in RailWorks 21.2.2 below.

RailWorks 22.1.4 (24 January 2023)

RailWorks 22.1.3 (12 December 2022)

RailWorks 22.1.2 (23 November 2022)

RailWorks 22.1.1 (26 July 2022)

  • Release for FlexSim 2022 Update 1
  • Refactor: Changed the model limit control and system functionality
  • Feature: Added the PreCreate activity in ProcessFlow
  • Bug Fix: Fixed various bugs affecting the locomotive and wagon movement.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug affecting the model limit creating new models.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug affecting the model limit window with multiple modules installed.
  • All bug fixes in RailWorks 21.2.1 below.

RailWorks 22.0.4 (24 January 2023)

RailWorks 22.0.3 (12 December 2022)

RailWorks 22.0.2 (23 November 2022)

RailWorks 22.0.1 (26 July 2022)

  • Release for FlexSim 2022
  • Refactor: Changed the way that Rails can be resized and moved.
  • Feature: Added the RailWorks manual to FlexSim.
  • Feature: Added travel offset to the MoveTrain activity.
  • Feature: Added speed profiles to the Locomotive. That means that you can now set the speed of a Locomotive based upon if it is coupled to a Wagon or not.
  • Feature: Added acceleration and deceleration of locomotives.
  • Feature: Added RailwayTimetable, providing observability for the model as it saves every important event in RailWorks, like the time when a locomotive arrived at a station, as an example.
  • Feature: Added a new model to the Stations: Fuel Station.
  • Feature: Added a new model to the Stations: Flow Station.
  • Feature: Integration with FloWorks.
  • Feature: Added loading modes to thee LoadWagon activity.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed various bugs affecting the locomotive movement.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug affecting the load and unload actions.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug affecting the Experimenter.
  • All bug fixes in RailWorks 21.2.1 below.

RailWorks 21.2.4 (24 January 2023)

  • Bug Fix: Fixed a minor bug in locomotive movement.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in wagon stop position
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in calculation of the distance to the final destiny
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that causes RailSource to disconnect from Rail when Rail moved
  • Added properties: User can change max angle snap connection between rails
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where Rails could not be traveled if some train was destroyed on it
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that causes FlexSim to close with certain operations while modeling curvedRails
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that causes FlexSim to close when deleting the last rail from a railNetwork
  • Bug Fix: Images and tooltips at quick properties, processFlow and activity properties updated

RailWorks 21.2.3 (12 December 2022)

  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where models that don't use RailWorks continues to show modelLimit if RailWorks was installed.

RailWorks 21.2.2 (18 November 2022)

  • Bug Fix: Fixed several bugs in the railway locomotive and wagons movement.

RailWorks 21.2.1 (03 September 2021)

  • Release for FlexSim 2021 Update 2
  • Feature: Added a new routing algorithm option, focused on preventing train collisions (Requires Python installed).
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in the model limit.

RailWorks 21.1.1

  • Release for FlexSim 2021 Update 1
  • Feature: Added trigger - onCreate - to the SourceTrain object.
  • Feature: Added triggers - onEntry, onExit - to the Rail object.
  • Feature: Added triggers - onFuel, onLoad, onUnload - to the Station object.
  • Feature: Added triggers - onLoad, onUnload - to the Crane object.
  • Feature: Added trigger - onArrival - to the RailControlPoint object.
  • Feature: Added tank wagon 3D Model option to the Wagon Object.
  • Feature: Added custom dashboards to the module.
  • Feature: Added auto-connect to SourceTrain to connect with the nearest ConnectPoint.
  • Feature: Added the possibility to keep the FlowItems or create new ones when loading and unloading.
  • Feature: Added the possibility to load FlowItems fractionally or discretely.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bugs on train movement.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug on entry of task executer as flow item in Station.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in the RailControlPoint.
  • Refactor: Changed functionality of Rail's Connect Points.
  • Style: Changed RailSystem model.
  • Style: Added a new model to the Wagon Object: Gas Tank Wagon.