

A structure representing a traversal of a specific section of path during an AGV's travel operation.

When an AGV starts a travel operation, it builds an internal representation of the path that it will travel on in getting to its destination. The path is stored in AGV.travelPath, which is an array-like structure with a length property and an array-dereference (bracket: []) operator. Each accessed element is an instance of AGV.TravelPathSection. It represents a sub-section of an AGV path that will be traversed, and contains the properties described here. You can also access the travel path section that an AGV is currently traveling on with AGV.currentTravelPathSection

//Printing an AGV's full path
AGV agv = AGV(current);
for (int i = 1; i <= agv.travelPath.length; i++) {
	AGV.TravelPathSection sec = agv.travelPath[i];
	print("path ", sec.path,
		" fromDist ", sec.fromDist,
		" toDist ", sec.toDist,
		" fromTravelDist ", sec.fromTravelDist);


fromDist The distance along the path that is the starting point of the AGV's traversal on that path.
fromTravelDist The AGV travel distance that coincides with the starting point of the AGV's traversal on the path.
path The path that this section is associated with.
toDist The distance along the path that is the ending point of the AGV's traversal on that path.


Do no remove, this fixes the anchor on


readonly double fromDist


The distance along the path that is the starting point of the AGV's traversal on that path.

Do no remove, this fixes the anchor on


readonly double fromTravelDist


The AGV travel distance that coincides with the starting point of the AGV's traversal on the path.

The AGV tracks its own cumulative travel distance across each of the sections in its travel path. Each travel operation starts at a travel distance of 0, and travel distance increases as it travels along the path. You can access the AGV's current travel distance at a given time in the travel with AGV.currentTravelDist.

Do no remove, this fixes the anchor on


readonly Object path


The path that this section is associated with.

Do no remove, this fixes the anchor on


readonly double toDist


The distance along the path that is the ending point of the AGV's traversal on that path.