The Flow To Item Panel

The Flow To Item panel is shown for flow to item objects.

The following properties are on the Flow To Item panel:


The flow control dropdown allows you to select which flow control in the model this object is attached to, or to disconnect it from its current flow control. Each FloWorks object that needs to have its flow rates calculated as part of a FloWorks network needs to be attached to the flow control as all the other objects in the network. For more information, please refer to the Flow Control Reference Page.

Max. Inflow

The maximum inflow rate limits the total cumulative flow rate through all input ports.

If the inflow of the object should never be constraining, you can check the "Unconstrained flow" checkbox. Please note that in each direct flow (source to tank, source to sink or tank to sink) there should be at least one constraining connection as FloWorks will not allow infinite flow through any path.

Flow Item Class

The class of flow items to be generated on the output side of the flow to item.

Max. Buffer

When this is set to zero, the flow to item will only accept the exact amount needed to produce a flow item. When that flow item cannot immediately exit, the input flow will block. If you specify a maximum buffer size, it is possible to buffer at most this content before the inflow will be stopped. When the max. buffer is reached, the inflow stops until all completed items have been released.

Item Style: Amount Per Item

The Amount Per Item option enables the field "Flow Amount Per Item". You can enter an expression which is evaluated every time a new flow item is created. The result of this expression determines the amount of flow that will be collected before the created item is released.

Item Style: Production Plan

When an item production plan is selected, a table similar to the Arrival Schedule table of the source is shown. It allows you to create a list of "arrivals" that will be executed in sequence. Each row can create multiple flow items, the amount to be collected for each of them needs to be a fixed number.