Flow Gauge

Overview and Key Concepts

The Flow Gauge is a special type of Flow Processor which visualizes the total flow that passes through it. You should place it "in series", typically it will have a single connection in and a single connection out (though it can have multiple connections and will then behave as a Flow Processor with Preferred order flow).


The flow gauge uses the standard events that are common to almost all FloWorks objects. See FloWorks Triggers for an explanation of these events.


For statistical purposes, the flow gauge's FloWorks state profile will be in one of the following states at various points during a simulation run:


The flow gauge does not have any flow.


Material is flowing at a non-zero flow rate.


The Flow Gauge object shares several properties with all flow objects:

Properties Panels

The flow gauge object uses the following properties panels:

Custom coding

The Flow Gauge is logically (and tehcnically) a Flow Processor so the information in the Custom Coding section of the Flow Processor also applies to the Flow Gauge. However, the Flow Gauge is intended to be a "pass through" object that only visualizes the flow, without constraining it or otherwise impacting the flow. So rather than applying custom coding to the Flow Gauge, it is recommended to place a Flow Processor, such as a pump, valve, blender or splitter, immediately before or after the Flow Gauge and apply your custom logic to that object instead.