Tutorial 2 - The Statistics Collector

This tutorial will provide an overview of the main features and capabilities of the Statistics Collector. You'll learn how to use the Statistics Collector to listen to events and set up data tables. You'll also learn how to create charts that can better visualize the data from the Statistics Collector.

For each task in this tutorial, you will start by opening a pre-built model. This model is installed on your computer when you install FlexSim. From your computer's Documents folder, you can find the model in the FlexSim 2020 Projects/tutorials/FlexSim20.1 folder. The model is called StatisticsCollectorTutorialModel.fsm.

Each of the tasks in this will teach you how to make a statistics collector table, as well as a chart that displays the data in that table.

Tasks Covered

This tutorial will cover the following tasks:

Task 2.1

Build an Average Content Collector

In this task, you'll get introduced to the basic features and functionality of statistics collectors. You'll specifically learn how to add events to a collector and how to set up a data table. You'll also learn how to link a statistics collector to a Bar chart to visualize the data it records during a simulation run.

Task 2.2

Build an Output Collector

In this task, you'll learn how to connect events to columns. You'll also learn about using an On Reset event to order rows in the table correctly. You'll also link that collector to a Table chart to display its data.

Task 2.3

Build a Content vs Time Collector

In this task, you'll learn how to finish rows, and how to record time in a statistics collector. You'll also link that collector to a time plot to display its data.

Task 2.4

Build an Orders In Progress Collector

In this task, you'll learn how to use additional labels on the data entity. You'll also link that collector to a table chart to display its data.

Task 2.5

Build an Orders By Size Collector

In this task, you'll learn how to use conditions on events, and how to sort new rows into the table. You'll also link that collector to a time plot to display its data.

Task 2.6

Build a Pick Time By Type Collector

In this task, you'll learn how to use row labels. You'll also link that collector to a box plot to display its data.

Task 2.7

Build an Average Content By Type Collector

In this task, you'll learn how to use Tracked Variables on row labels to calculate average values. You'll also link that collector to a bar chart to display its data.

Task 2.8

Build a Content By Type Over Time Collector

In this task, you'll learn how to use row labels to store data, even after finishing a row. You'll also link that collector to a time plot to display its data.

Task 2.9

Build an Output By Hour By Type Collector

In this task, you'll learn how to use timer events to create per-hour statistics. You'll also learn about the collector.getAllRowValues() method. You'll also link that collector to a time plot to display its data.

For More Information

These tasks will cover the topics included in the chapter entitled Getting Data from Your Model.