Straight and Curved Conveyors

Overview and Key Concepts

The straight and curved conveyors can simulate conveyor belts or roller conveyors.


For information on events, see the Event Listening page.

The straight and curved conveyors have the following events:

On Entry

On Entry occurs whenever an item enters the conveyor.

It has the following parameters:

Event Parameter Type Explanation
Entering Item treenode The item that entered the conveyor

On Exit

On Exit occurs whenever an item exits the conveyor.

It has the following parameters:

Event Parameter Type Explanation
Exiting Item treenode The item that is exiting the conveyor

On Item Bump

This event occurs when an item or a slug is blocked by another item or slug, forming a single slug.

It has the following parameters:

Event Parameter Type Explanation
Front Slug Array The set of items in the downstream slug
Back Slug Array The set of items in the upstream slug


For statistical purposes, the conveyor will be in one of the following states at various points during a simulation run. The current state can be viewed by clicking on the object and then viewing the Statistics pane in Quick Properties.


There are no items on the conveyor.


There is at least one item on the conveyor.


There is at least one item on the conveyor, but the conveyor's speed has is set to zero. The conveyor will go into this state immediately when its speed is set to zero (i.e. at the time it STARTS to decelerate to zero).


Only used for non-accumulating conveyors. When an item on a non-accumulating conveyor is stopped or blocked, the conveyor will become blocked. Note again that accumulating conveyors do not use this state. If you want to get better blocked state statistics on accumulating conveyors, you should use photo eyes.


The conveyor tracks of the following statistics. These can be viewed by clicking on the object and then viewing the Statistics pane in Quick Properties.


The number of items in the conveyor.


The total number of items that have entered the conveyor.


The total number of items that have exited the conveyor.


The durations that items are in the conveyor.

Percent Full

The percent that the conveyor is "filled" with items. This uses the following formula: 100 * (TotalStopSpace / ConveyorLength) where TotalStopSpace is the sum of the stop spaces of all the items currently on the conveyor. Note that this percentage may go above 100%, specifically when there are items straddling multiple conveyors.


Conveyor properties can be edited in Quick Properties, the Decision Point property window, or through the types created using the Conveyor System tool. The following sections explain the available properties in each tool.

Quick Properties

The following image shows the decision point properties that are available in Quick Properties:

It has the following properties:


You can type a custom name here if needed.


For curved conveyors only. In classical math, the radius is the distance from the circumference of a circle to its center point. If you imagine that the curved conveyor is a section of a circle, the radius changes the overall radius of that circle.

Start Angle

For curved conveyors only. Changes the angle of the start of the conveyor.

Sweep Angle

For curved conveyors only. Changes the angle of the end of the conveyor.

Position X, Y, Z

Changes the position and size of the head and tail of the conveyor in the 3D model.

Horizontal Length

For straight conveyors only. This lets you define the horizontal length of the conveyor.

Virtual Length

This lets you simulate a conveyor with a different simulated length than its physical length. Check the box and enter the desired virtual length.

Conveyor Type

Use this menu to assign this conveyor to a global type. If you select Custom, all the conveyor's properties will be locally defined.

Reverse Direction

Changes the direction flow items travel along the conveyor.

Property Window and Types

The conveyor object properties window has four tabs with various properties. The first two tabs only appear if Custom is selected in the conveyor type. The last two tabs are the standard tabs that are common to all conveyor objects. For more information about the properties on those tabs, see:

Only the Behavior tab and Visual tabs are unique to conveyors. These properties are explained in the Conveyor Types topic.