
Inherits from Variant


A class that represents the result of a call to List.pull().

The List.PullResult can be treated just like a Variant. The Variant holds the value or values that were pulled from the list.

There are several options for writing code to get the result from a list pull.

//define full List.PullResult type
List.PullResult pulled = List("ItemList").pull("WHERE Type == 10", 1, 1);
// just infer the type with var
var pulled = List("ItemList").pull("WHERE Type == 10", 1, 1);
// don't need full List.PullResult properties, so just get it as a Variant
Variant pulled = List("ItemList").pull("WHERE Type == 10", 1, 1);


backOrder The resulting back order, if one exists.


Do no remove, this fixes the anchor on


readonly List.BackOrder backOrder


The resulting back order, if one exists.

When the pull is not completely fulfilled, a back order associated with the pull is created. This property gives access to that back order if one exists.

List.PullResult result = List("ItemList").pull("WHERE Type == 10", 1, 1);
if (result.backOrder) {
	... // the pull wasn't completely fulfilled, so there is a back order.