RailWorks Dashboards
RailWorks Dashboards
RailWorks comes with five custom Dashboards to get data from the model and display it in a more easily visual way. The current Dashboards that are in the module are:
- Station Content
- AVG Train Staytime On Station
- Railway Staytime
- Train Occupation On Station
- Train Speed VS Time
Custom Dashboards
This section shows all the Dashboards that RailWorks come with, populated with data to help visualize the purpose with which one.
Station Content

This dashboard shows the current content value of the Station by the model runtime.
AVG Train Staytime On Station

This dashboard shows the average time spent by locomotives inside rails connected to the Station.
Rail Distance VS Time

This dashboard shows the time which each Locomotive has arrived at the group of selected Stations.
Railway Staytime

This dashboard shows the time spent by each Locomotive on the selected Rail.
Train Occupation On Station

This dashboard shows the amount of Locomotives parked at the selected Station by the model runtime.