AGV Deallocation Types
Overview and Key Concepts
Deallocation Types let you define at what point AGVs should deallocate the Control Points and Control Areas that they have allocated. These settings let you customize AGV allocation mechanism to your specific needs.
The Deallocation Types Tab
You can get to the Deallocation Types page by right-clicking on a Path or Control Point and choosing AGV Network Properties.
The Deallocation Types tab has the following properties:
Deallocation Types List
Here you can add, remove, re-order and rename each Deallocation Type.
Edge Definition
This defines which "edge" of the AGV will determine the deallocation time. Options are:
- Center - Deallocation will be triggered when the AGV's center passes the given point.
- Trailing Edge - Deallocation will be triggered when the AGV's trailing edge passes the given point.
- Leading Edge - Deallocation will be triggered when the AGV's leading edge passes the given point.
Travel Point Definition
Defines the associated point on the path that determines deallocation time. Options are:
- Arrives at Next Control Point - Deallocation will be triggered when the AGV's defined edge arrives at the next Control Point. For Control Areas, this is the next Control Point after the path exits the Control Area.
- Passes Current Point - Deallocation will be triggered when the AGV's defined edge passes the current point. For Control Points this is the Control Point itself. For Control Areas, this is the point on the path where the AGV's defined edge exits the Control Area.
Allocation Wait Points Only
This property is only relevant when you have chosen Arrives at Next Control Point above. When checked, it will only consider as a 'next control point' control points whose Allocation Wait Point property has been checked. This is checked by default, meaning it will ignore non-waitable control points on its path in determining what the 'next' control point is.
Plus Distance
This is an additional distance that will be added onto travel before deallocating the object.
Plus Time
This is an additional time to delay deallocation, after the defined edge has reached the travel point plus the distance.