Process Flow Variable Reference


Emulation adds features to the Process Flow Variable. In addition to its default uses, the value of a variable can also point at these Emulation objects:

  • Emulation Connection - You can reference an Emulation Connection or create an Internal Emulation Connection. Internal Emulation Connections that have their Type set to Local will create a variable for each instance of the process flow. For more information on Emulation Connections see the Emulation topic.
  • Emulation Variable - You can reference an Emulation Variable or create an Internal Emulation Variable. Internal Emulation Variables that have their Type set to Local will create a variable for each instance of the process flow. For more information on Emulation Variables see the Emulation topic.
  • Properties

    If you choose to point a Process Flow Variable at an internal Emulation Connection or Variable, the properties of the Process Flow Variable will update to show one of the following options:

    Internal Emulation Connection

    If the option Internal Emulation Connection is selected from the drop down of the Variable or Value box, the properties will change to:

    The properties for the internal connection are the same as in the Emulation tool. For information about these properties, see the Emulation page.

    Internal Emulation Variable

    If the option Internal Emulation Variable is selected from the drop down of the Variable or Valuee box, the properties will change to:

    Allen-Bradley Tag

    The properties for the internal variable are mostly the same as in the Emulation tool. For information about these properties, see the Emulation page.

    The Allen-Bradley Tag variable has one added property:

    • Tag Instance Specifier - The tag instance specifier is most useful when the variable is set to the Local type. The string defined by this box can be inserted anywhere in the Tag Name box by using %s in the Tag Name string.
    Allen-Bradley Variable (Sensor and Control)

    The properties for the internal variable are the same as in the Emulation tool. For information about these properties, see the Emulation page.

    Modbus Register (Sensor and Control)

    The properties for the modbus register internal variable are the same as in the Emulation tool. For information about these properties, see the Emulation page.

    OPC DA Tag (Sensor and Control)

    The properties for the internal variable are mostly the same as in the Emulation tool. For information about these properties, see the Emulation page.

    The OPC Tag variable has one added property:

    • Tag Instance Specifier - The tag instance specifier is most useful when the variable is set to the Local type. The string defined by this box can be inserted anywhere in the Tag ID box by using %s in the Tag ID string.
    OPC UA Variable (Sensor and Control)

    The properties for the internal variable are mostly the same as in the Emulation tool. For information about these properties, see the Emulation page.

    The OPC UA variable has one added property:

    • Tag Instance Specifier - The tag instance specifier is most useful when the variable is set to the Local type. The string defined by this box can be inserted anywhere in the Tag ID box by using %s in the Tag ID string.