

A class that provides access to the event log.

Using the EventLog class, you can add custom events to the Event Log.

if (/*something is unusual*/) {
    EventLog.warn("MyCustomEvent", 0, 0, "Something is unusual");
if (/*something is wrong*/) {
    EventLog.error("MyCustomEvent", 0, 0, "Something is wrong");
if (/*something is terribly wrong*/) {
    EventLog.fatal("MyCustomEvent", 0, 0, "Something is terribly wrong");

The logging methods are:

  • info()
  • warn()
  • error()
  • fatal()
When used, each method logs a new event in the event log at the current model time and at the current level. The event is logged in any active log: the model log, the system log, or both. If no event logs are active, then these methods do nothing.

The only required parameter for the logging methods is the event parameter. It is best to use a short but meaningful name so that filtering by the event makes sense. The remainder of the parameters (two node parameters and four string parameters) are optional and arbitrary.

You can check whether any logs are active using the enabled property:

if (EventLog.enabled) {
    string p1 = /*expensive computation*/;
    EventLog.info("MyCustomEvent", 0, 0, p1);

Static Properties

enabled Returns whether logging is currently enabled.

Static Methods

error Log an Error-level event at the current time.
fatal Log a Fatal-level event at the current time.
info Log an Info-level event at the current time.
warn Log a Warn-level event at the current time.


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static readonly int enabled


Returns whether logging is currently enabled.

If true, then events are being logged to the model Event Log, the system Event Log, or both.
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static error( string event , treenode object = 0 , treenode involved = 0 , string p1 = "" , string p2 = "" , string p3 = "" , string p4 = "" )


event The name of the event.
object The primary object associated with the event.
involved The involved object associated with the event.
p1 Data for P1 associated with the event.
p2 Data for P2 associated with the event.
p3 Data for P3 associated with the event.
p4 Data for P4 associated with the event.


Log an Error-level event at the current time.

Error-level events are often used to indicate that the simulation cannot continue or that the results are invalid. Consider stopping the simulation manually if you log an Error-level event.
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static fatal( string event , treenode object = 0 , treenode involved = 0 , string p1 = "" , string p2 = "" , string p3 = "" , string p4 = "" )


event The name of the event.
object The primary object associated with the event.
involved The involved object associated with the event.
p1 Data for P1 associated with the event.
p2 Data for P2 associated with the event.
p3 Data for P3 associated with the event.
p4 Data for P4 associated with the event.


Log a Fatal-level event at the current time.

Fatal-level events are often used to indicate that data loss or corruption has occurred.
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static info( string event , treenode object = 0 , treenode involved = 0 , string p1 = "" , string p2 = "" , string p3 = "" , string p4 = "" )


event The name of the event.
object The primary object associated with the event.
involved The involved object associated with the event.
p1 Data for P1 associated with the event.
p2 Data for P2 associated with the event.
p3 Data for P3 associated with the event.
p4 Data for P4 associated with the event.


Log an Info-level event at the current time.

Info-level events are often used to indicate that something normal or expected has occurred. All model logic events are Info-level events.
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static warn( string event , treenode object = 0 , treenode involved = 0 , string p1 = "" , string p2 = "" , string p3 = "" , string p4 = "" )


event The name of the event.
object The primary object associated with the event.
involved The involved object associated with the event.
p1 Data for P1 associated with the event.
p2 Data for P2 associated with the event.
p3 Data for P3 associated with the event.
p4 Data for P4 associated with the event.


Log a Warn-level event at the current time.

Warn-level events are often used to indicate that something unexpected has occurred but that the simulation can continue to operate.